Electrical feedthrough manufacturers Keywords www.vacuum-guide.com

Mechanical feedthroughs Optical feedthroughs chambers flanges vacuum components America ASIA PACIFIC Europe

HTC Vacuum HTC HIGHLIGHT TECH. CORP. - www.htcvacuum.com
- Gung-Min South Road II An-Nan Area, Tainan 709, Taiwan

Yelin Lin, email. Tel.
products: Vacuum Feedthrough

Power feedthroughs are used to transmit either high voltage, high current or a combination of both. These products can be used for a multitude of vacuum applications including vacuum furnaces, sample heating or biasing, in-vacuum coating applications such as electron-beam evaporation, resistive heating evaporation, and DC plasma sputtering.

The most concerns of a vacuum electrical feedthrough are insulation and vacuum seal. Materials used for insulation include glass, plastic and ceramic.



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